Holiday Projects And Design Tips Featuring Soft Touch Beading Wire

Holiday Projects And Design Tips Featuring Soft Touch Beading Wire

Soft Touch Beading Wire is our premium beading wire. If you have never felt the difference between Soft Touch and other beading wire brands, you should take a trip to your local bead store and see how different wires drape and move in your fingers. Let the wire do the talking. We don’t always consider drape as a factor when designing a necklace, but it is every bit as important as the colo…
3 Festive Jewelry Project Ideas For The Holidays

3 Festive Jewelry Project Ideas For The Holidays

It is the season of giving. A time to gift others and grant wishes. But don't forget to take some time to treat yourself. We have some cheery holiday ideas for you. We will show you how to make some enchanting Christmas tree earrings. Bedeck your neck with a colorful collection of ornaments. And dangle some holiday globes off your favorite Christmas elf's ears. We love this time of…