5 Count Varied Sizes Green And Black Maw Sit Sit Smooth Nuggets

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Size: Large 22mm-L x 17mm-W x 11mm-D

Size: Small 13mm-L x 10mm-W x 8mm-D

Qty: 5 Beads / Length: 3.5 in.

Weight: 18.3 g.

Maw Sit Sit is as colorful as it's name is fun. Maw Sit Sit gets it's wonderful luster from its rich chromium content. It's digital green tone can range from a jade to an emerald color with black bands and spots giving the stone character.

Mohs' Hardness Scale: 6-7

Maw Sit Sit (green with dark green-black veining) represents the heart chakra which positioned at the center of the chest, which governs the sense of touch. Maw Sit Sit is relaxing. It wards off depression and melancholy feelings, as it helps energize one bringing joy to life. Maw Sit Sit is a stone for September, and resonates with most Astrological signs.