Our Star Crossed Lovers Themed Jewelry Kit Is Cupid's Favorite!

Our Star Crossed Lovers Themed Jewelry Kit Is Cupid's Favorite!

Cupid has spoken! And who are we to argue? Our Star Crossed Lovers jewelry making Kit is a hit! Our latest collection of themed beading supplies is a gorgeous mix of rich red, sophisticated black, and vivid gold colors. This kit is great for your next jewelry project - any time of the year. Recently, Kristen explored the kit on Free Spirit Beading. She made a stunning pair of earrings and a n…
Frosty Fun Jewelry Making Projects With The Arctic Circle Design Kit

Frosty Fun Jewelry Making Projects With The Arctic Circle Design Kit

The jewelry making kit we curated for The Great Bead Extravaganza was an icy mix of frosted crystals, cold blues, chilly teals, and more. We created a kit that was full of elegant beads that were a perfect fit for winter. We wanted glacial elegance and glamour. But we also have a fun side. We included ceramic penguins and blue star beads that added a little light-hearted accent to the snowy coll…
How To Make A Bead Embroidery Pendant Necklace With Our Arctic Circle Design Kit

How To Make A Bead Embroidery Pendant Necklace With Our Arctic Circle Design Kit

How To Make A Bead Embroidery Pendant Necklace With Our Arctic Circle Design Kit On Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I showed how to make a necklace using beads from our TGBE Arctic Circle Beading Design Kit, .019 Pro Econoflex Hobby Beading Wire in Steel Grey color, and the bead embroidery pendant that I made during our 2025 TGBE Midwinter Market presentation. The pendant was made…
Making A Glitz & Glam Pendant Necklace With Our All That Glitters Kit

Making A Glitz & Glam Pendant Necklace With Our All That Glitters Kit

Making A Glitz & Glam Pendant Necklace With Our All That Glitters KitPart One On Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I showed how to create a Glitz & Glam Pendant (Part One) using beads and findings from our All That Glitters Beading Design Kit and .019 Soft Flex Beading Wire in White Quartz color. Part Two Then I showed how to use that pendant to create a Glitz & Gla…
How To Decorate A Wine Bottle Or Sparkling Cider With A Beaded Ornament

How To Decorate A Wine Bottle Or Sparkling Cider With A Beaded Ornament

How To Decorate A Wine Bottle Or Sparkling Cider With A Beaded Ornament On Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I showed how to decorate a wine bottle or sparkling cider bottle with a beaded dangle. This would be great as a holiday host/hostess gift! I had previously made some loops with Soft Flex Beading Wire and seed beads. I took those beaded loops and added beads, charms and tassels…
Live Beading Party With Christi Friesen: Closeouts Challenge

Live Beading Party With Christi Friesen: Closeouts Challenge

Live Beading Party With Christi Friesen: Closeouts ChallengePart One Part Two Sara Oehler had a beading party with Christi Friesen. Christi Friesen is an award-winning artist, who works in mixed media. Her work has been showcased in numerous books, magazines, and exhibits. She is the author of over a dozen how-to books on creating with polymer clay. She teaches throughout the world, usin…