The Definitive Guide To Jewelry Making From Our Beading Experts

The Definitive Guide To Jewelry Making From Our Beading Experts

Elevate your jewelry making. We have a guide on how to start simple, learn how to make jewelry, and then break the rules. Your hand crafted jewelry is going to be amazing with these tips. We want you to be a forward thinker. Every piece of jewelry is a learning experience. Don't rush your crafts. Explore colors and shapes. Explore your findings and components. Don't fear failure, it c…
40+ Tips To Help You Clean, Organize, And Solve Your Beading Storage Problems

40+ Tips To Help You Clean, Organize, And Solve Your Beading Storage Problems

Is your work space a scattered mess? You need to organize and declutter! Do you need storage ideas and solutions so you can stash your beading supplies and tools? We are exploring ideas for every budget and space allotment. We will give you some storage tips and tricks so you can maximize the space in your work area and minimize the headaches. We will also look at how members of our commun…