How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 6)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 6)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 6) This week on Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I continued making a rainbow sun catcher with the sixth color of orange. For this section of the sun catcher, I created a swirl shape using 16ga and 22ga Soft Flex Craft Wire along with leftover beads from our mystery design kits! Next week…
Lavender Lemonade Beading Design Challenge Kit Reveal

Lavender Lemonade Beading Design Challenge Kit Reveal

Every month, we create a new beading kit with a new theme. The newest kit is available now at We reveal our kits on the last Wednesday of the following month. Then, it is your turn to design and share your projects into our Very Important Beading Studio Facebook Group. If you'd like to join us in the design challenge next month, buy our latest kit and ch…
Lavender Lemonade Design Kit Reveal And Juicy Summer Jewelry

Lavender Lemonade Design Kit Reveal And Juicy Summer Jewelry

We celebrated all things beads this week. It was Kit Day on Wednesday and we revealed the contents of our Lavender Lemonade mystery design kit. We hope you caught the fun live! Our live shows are a great way to meet a beading buddy or win a prize. We also took centerstage at the TGBE Facebook group for our Spotlight Day. Make sure you are a part of the group so you do not miss news about the…
How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 5)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 5)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 5) This week on Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I continued making a rainbow sun catcher with a fifth color of yellow. For this section of the sun catcher, I created a triangle shape using 16ga and 22ga Soft Flex Craft Wire along with leftover beads from our mystery design kits!…
How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 4)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 4)

How To Make A Rainbow Beaded Suncatcher With Soft Flex Craft Wire (Color 4) This week on Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I continued making a rainbow sun catcher with the forth color of green. For this section of the sun catcher, I created a sweet heart shape using 16ga and 22ga Soft Flex Craft Wire along with leftover beads from our mystery design ki…