Exotic Blooms Beading Design Challenge Kit Reveal

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Exotic Blooms Beading Design Challenge Kit Reveal Collage

Every month, we create a new beading kit with a new theme. The newest kit is available now at SoftFlexCompany.com. We reveal our kits on the last Wednesday of the following month. Then, it is your turn to design and share your projects into our Very Important Beading Studio Facebook Group.

If you'd like to join us in the design challenge next month, buy our latest kit and challenge yourself to try something new and unexpected. If you are new to beading, this kit comes with findings, beads, wire, and surprises.

Our kits are great for skill building. We want our kits to feel challenging. We want them to be accessible for beginners and advanced designers alike, but we love to throw in elements that may seem difficult to test our beaders skills and make them think out of the box. We think jewelry is great when it is easy. But when you really have to engage your mind and process your materials and tools, we think that your jewelry has the potential to be life changing.

Our kits may be inspired by a colorway or theme, but they are meant to be creative interpretations. Imagination and innovation do not follow the rules. Expect the unexpected.

Supplies are very limited. Don’t miss out!

Exotic Blooms Beading Design Challenge Kit Reveal

Sara Oehler and Kristen Fagan revealed our Exotic Blooms Beading Design Challenge Kit. They both made beutiful necklaces using the contents of the kit along with .019 diameter Soft Flex Beading Wire.

Exotic Blooms Kit Reveal with Sara Oehler and Kristen Fagan

Here are the Exotic Blooms Necklace that Sara made.

Exotic Blooms Necklace by Sara Oehler

Exotic Blooms Necklace by Sara Oehler

Here is the Exotic Blooms Necklace that Kristen made.

Exotic Blooms Necklace by Kristen Fagan

Exotic Blooms Necklace by Kristen Fagan

Exotic Blooms Necklace by Kristen Fagan

Join our Facebook group – VIB. Stay in the know. Stay up to date. From our bead shows to our video shows and sales, you can stay in touch with us. The community is full of artistic and helpful beaders and crafty people. Inspire and be inspired. Share your pictures and get the beading bug from others!

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Sara Oehler (pronounced Ay-ler) is a well-known jewelry designer living in the Bay Area. Sara is the author of several beading books, including her latest title, written with Kristen Fagan, Seed Bead Revolution. She has designed and written for numerous publications including: BeadStyle, Bead&Button, Bead Trends, Stringing, Jewelry in Fashion Trends, Simply Beads, The Flow and Today's Creative Home Arts. Currently, Sara is the Sales and Marketing Manager for Soft Flex Company.
Ask Sara Bead Expert