DIY Wire Wrapped Suncatcher Using Soft Flex Craft Wire And Beads

DIY Wire Wrapped Suncatcher Using Soft Flex Craft Wire And Beads

DIY Wire Wrapped Suncatcher Using Soft Flex Craft Wire And Beads This week on Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I made a suncatcher with Soft Flex Craft Wire shapes and leftover beads from our mystery design kits! Make sun catchers for your window or to decorate a patio space. Sun catchers also make a lovely gift idea. Materials: Soft Flex Craf…
Celebrate Spring Fashion With Beaded Bracelets And Flower Necklaces

Celebrate Spring Fashion With Beaded Bracelets And Flower Necklaces

Need some jewelry making ideas? We have a bunch of amazing videos for you! Enhance your spring wardrobe with fashionable floral jewelry. Learn how to make adjustments on a necklace. Learn how to make a wire wrapped beaded bracelet. Celebrate Star Wars with earrings that would make a Jedi dance. Join a beading party with us and get inspired. You definitely don't want to miss the fun! Have y…
Spring Blossoms Necklace Design Adjustment - Shorten & Add Dangles

Spring Blossoms Necklace Design Adjustment - Shorten & Add Dangles

Spring Blossoms Necklace Design Adjustment - Shorten & Add Dangles This week on Free Spirit Beading with Kristen Fagan, I took another look at my Spring Blossoms Necklace. I am a big proponent for testing out my designs. I've been wearing this sweet necklace that I made during The Great Bead Extravaganza Spring Fling 2023 and felt like a few adjustments would make it even better…
Camp Out Jewelry Making Kit Reveal & TGBE Jewelry Demonstrations

Camp Out Jewelry Making Kit Reveal & TGBE Jewelry Demonstrations

We had a stellar week of jewelry making fun and indulging in our favorite crafts. We celebrated our favorite company holiday - Kit Day! Check out the Camp Out Design Kit (Sold Out) we unboxed and see what we made! Our presentation during the Spring Fling installment of the Great Bead Extravaganza was a blast! Sara and Kristen shared physical space for the demonstration as they were both toge…
Finished Jewelry Designs From Our Cherry Blossom Design Kit

Finished Jewelry Designs From Our Cherry Blossom Design Kit

On our previous  Kit Day, we celebrated hanami or flower viewing. Hanami is the Japanese tradition of viewing the blooming sakura or cherry blossom. We opened our themed mystery kit - the Cherry Blossom Design Kit (Sold Out) and made jewelry, live on our social media. Today, we are looking back at the finished designs from that kit. We have stunning jewelry from our friends and…
Spring Blossoms Jewelry Projects From TGBE Spring Fling 2023

Spring Blossoms Jewelry Projects From TGBE Spring Fling 2023

Spring Blossoms Jewelry Projects From TGBE Spring Fling 2023 Sara Oehler and Kristen Fagan gave us a Spring Blossoms jewelry making presentation, this past Saturday, during The Great Bead Extravaganza Spring Fling 2023. They used our sold out TGBE Spring Blossoms Design Kit and created beautiful spring jewelry. Sara and Kristen were at Craftcation 2023 this past we…