Weekly Video Recap: Learn How To Make Chainmail, Knot Bracelets, Illusion Jewelry, And More

Weekly Video Recap: Learn How To Make Chainmail, Knot Bracelets, Illusion Jewelry, And More

Can you believe it is already Easter weekend? This week, we spent our time in coronavirus quarantine, pursuing our favorite crafts and hobbies. We learned how to make chainmail and other exciting jewelry making techniques. We kept our minds busy on the things that mattered and did not dwell on the negativity. If you have a first responder or somebody working in an essential industry in your fam…
Weekly Video Recap: Joyful Jewelry Making Kits And Challenges

Weekly Video Recap: Joyful Jewelry Making Kits And Challenges

Good Friday, beautiful beaders! We spent the week staying busy with  handcrafted jewelry. If you are Isolated or in a shelter-in-place area, we have some cures for your COVID-19 boredom. This week was full of quarantine crafts. We want to keep our minds and our families active. It is important to stay creative and healthy. This week we offered a new mini beading kit. We got ins…
Daily Joyful Beading Challenges For Coronavirus Quarantine

Daily Joyful Beading Challenges For Coronavirus Quarantine

Stay joyful and blissfully bead along with us! We are living in very unusual times. Shelter-in-place and isolation rules means that many of us are facing the coronavirus alone and without our peers to talk to and keep our minds at work. Quarantine does not have to be boring! This is a great time to beautify your world and light your passion to create. We are posting daily 'Joyful Beading'…
Weekly Video Recap: The Cat In The Hat, Beach Bracelets, And Wire Wrapped Rings

Weekly Video Recap: The Cat In The Hat, Beach Bracelets, And Wire Wrapped Rings

Good Friday to you lovely people. We hope you are staying safe and the news is not getting you down. We spent the week making some magic with our  Whimsical Beadtastical Design Kit (Sold Out). If you love Dr. Seuss, this kit is right up your alley! We watched our friends make some delightful jewelry and we learned how to wire wrap a ring with a captured bead. Doesn't that sound…
Weekly Video Recap: Wonderful Whimsical Jewelry Making

Weekly Video Recap: Wonderful Whimsical Jewelry Making

We had a gleeful week making jewelry on Mulberry Street. We dreamed some dreams and made some wonderful wockets with our latest kit – The  Whimsical Beadtastical Design Kit (Sold Out). Every month we reveal the contents of our latest kit on our favorite day of the month - Kit Day. This Kit Day was a real Wacky Wednesday! You are going love Sara's project idea. If you lo…